5 Tips to a Fresh Face.
Here are 5 steps to a fresh and flawless face: 1. Wash Before Beginning. One of the most important things to remember when applying makeup is to start with a clean slate. Washing your face (and exfoliating when needed) will give you the perfect base to begin your makeup application. Once you're washed, you're ready to go. 2. Eyes First. For a long time, there has been a huge misconception that you should begin your makeup application with your foundation. Sorry ladies, this simply isn't true - especially if you're using sparkly eye shadow. See, the sparkles and dust from your eye shadow will undoubtedly fall onto your cheeks during the application process. Beginning with your eyes means any sparkles or dust that falls off your eyes and onto your cheeks will later be covered up with foundation and concealer. Now that's a good tip for a flawless face. 3. It's Not Just About the Face. One of the worst things you can do when applying makeup is forg...