My biggest issue with foundation that can endure oily skin is that most of them look like So. Much. Makeup. In all of my product trial and error I would find foundations that would stay looking more matte, but then I looked like a floating head of foundation. Not my fave. I am still on the hunt for the perfect foundation, but til then, this ones pretty good Double Wear Light -medium coverage -Best for t-zone oily, or oily OR if you want a long-ish wear -What I like about it—it dries and sets -After several hours I get a little bit “radiant” but it’s tolerable. Not super flat matte, but not greaseball. THINGS TO NOTE: -Limited color options so I often have to mix them to get a match (I’m a 3 mixed with a 3.5 sometimes 4) -I have to wash my foundation brush more often because the foundation stiffens in it. -For the first few hrs I feel a tiny bit makeup-ey. Not over the top, but like I’m wearing foundation. After about 3-4 hrs it looks more...