Reflecting on a (Very) Hydrated 2017 at Gentle Giant Moving:

As another year draws to a close, we join individuals and companies around the world in an end of the year review. It is a valuable time to look back over annual progress and reflect on important measurables. At Gentle Giant, some of the numbers we evaluate include jobs booked, hours worked, revenue gained, stairs climbed and gallons of water consumed to stay hydrated on the job. Water: one of the very basic building blocks of life. Along with food and oxygen, it is a crucial part of surviving and thriving in daily life. As Leonardo da Vinci once said, “water is the driving force of all nature.” At Gentle Giant, we spend a lot of time talking about, thinking about and drinking water. As a company founded and built by athletes, we recognize the importance of staying hydrated to stay healthy. On some of the hottest days of the year, our livelihood depends on our ability to keep up with the inevitable dehydration that comes with outdoor manual labor. Our Giants take a ...